Development Partners

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According to the Vision 2030 strategy, Kenya needs 200k affordable homes built each year to meet growing demand, while the current deficit stands at 2M homes. However only 50k homes are being added each year. A big part of the problem is that the cost of housing has become high due to the increase in land value. We offer a solution that by passes the issue of land value to create affordable housing.

FHG partners with landowners in central locations who do not wish to sell their land but wish to make productive use for a period of 10 – 15 years. We design and build timber housing parks with up to 100 units per acre. The housing parks pay for themselves within a few years leaving several years of profit for the landowner. When the landowner finally wishes to sell or develop the land fully, we dismantle the units and relocate them to another of the landowner’s properties or sell them off as individual used units, which we relocate to the buyers site. Therefore the landowner also realizes a return on their initial investment at the end. The housing parks are an investment vehicle, which does not commit land for the long term and provides security for it by occupation.
Housing parks can be single or double storey and a variety of designs. They are targeted at young professional renters, staff and university accommodation, however can also be configured as office parks, holiday resorts, shopping centers, schools, churches, hospitals and any other multi-unit purpose that a landowner may identify as being viable for their particular location.
The end users or occupiers get to enjoy a better quality of life in beautiful gated communities, at an affordable cost, and with more convenience and security than they would get with traditional alternatives.

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